Bachata Dance Videos & How To Dance Bachata

A resource for learning about authentic bachata dance. Basic steps, basic turns, footwork, and styling, in the Dominican, Caribbean style, Click on a link in the table of contents below for instructional how to bachata dance videos.

Bachata Timing

Bachata Basic Steps

Bachata Footwork

Bachata Basic Turn Patterns

Bachata Styling

Finding your timing in Bachata

Bachata is in 4/4 time - which means there are four emphasized beats in every measure. Here are some queues to help know where you are: The low bongo usually plays on the 4th beat. The voice accents the 1st beat - often that means that vocal phrases end on the first beat rather than start on it. The bass tends to play on the 3rd, 4th, and 1st beats - but this can change. Dancers usually step on beats 1,2 and 3 - stepping in place on 4 (tap). Sometimes, people will dance on different timings. Bachata is informal, it's not a ballroom dance, so the rules defining it are not rigid. See the last video on the bottom left for a step by step breakdown of bachata's most basic footwork.


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maita July 1, 2010

Mee gustaa comoo bailann mz

yalimar June 26, 2010

hola soy boricua y me encanta la bachata. son pasos faciles pero siempre se aprende mas, grax por el video esta superrrr!!

rafael June 22, 2010

estesitiomehaensenadoabailarlabachatamybien gracias

doctor June 16, 2010

jai joinendra very good and stylish with simplicity

brenda June 12, 2010

hola bailan bien

kelly June 12, 2010

hola siempre me a gustado la bachata es lo mejor igual que la salsa y estos videos son muy buenos

Kiara June 4, 2010

perdon digo que parese mas bien tongo y no bachata que orror lo unico que falta esque se quiten la ropay agan sexo bailando en algunos.

Kiara June 4, 2010

Estan locos esos profesores dan mucha vuel es sierto que la bacha es sensual pero no para tanto pares mas bien que bailaran tago eso parese mas y no bachata. es mi opinion cada quien opina laque quiera

jahaira May 31, 2010

muy buena musica

Fernando May 28, 2010

hola soy de Ecuador y me encanta la bachata la verdad es que estos videos estan muy bien.......