Academia de Bachata

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The World's First Bachata School

In collaboration with leading bachata musicians, and The DREAM Project, iASO has established the first and only music program focused on Dominican bachata. La Academia de Bachata's mission is to mentor the next generation of bachateros and bachateras. We offer students a rigorous musical training that will help them to flourish as professional artists.

Our Approach is Unique

La Academia de Bachata engages students with a curriculum that builds on techniques that have been employed in the transmission of Dominican music for generations. Our focus is on ear learning and performance in multi-part, multi-instrument groups. With our program's emphasis on cooperative learning, we are building a musical community whose whole is even greater than its parts.

Our Students

La Academia de Bachata has 100 students who each receive up to 12 hours a week of instruction in guitar, percussion, and voice. Our students range in age from 7 to 21. Each is provided an instrument, which he or she can practice on at school and at home. As students advance, they participate in bands that perform concerts and workshops throughout the Dominican Republic and tour annually in the USA.

Our Faculty

La Academia de Bachata has some of the best talent in the local and international music scene on its faculty. With decades of experience and impressive track-records, our teachers help our students to perfect their musicianship, so that one day they can be bachateros and bachateras in their own right. To learn more about them, please visit our faculty profile page.

The Future

As the world's only music program dedicated to Bachata, our mission is not only to mentor the next generation of bachata musicians, but also a new generation of bachata teachers. Our advanced students undergo teacher training in addition to ordinary music studies. Several are working as assistant teachers.

Tax Deductible - Registered Public Charity

The Academia de Bachata is located on the DREAM Project’s Cabarete campus. The DREAM Projects is a US 501c3, and counts Pulitzer author Junot Díaz, and NY Senator Adriano Espaillat among its board of advisers.

Official webpage for Academia de Bachata
Visit the Bachata Academy on Facebook:


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Starling mora April 21, 2018

Me quisiera inscribir donde me puedo incribir

Jonathan Diaz December 20, 2017

Hello, I was wondering if it is possible for you to email me a pdf of bachata acadamy's agenda so I can use it as guide in my journal of learning bachata guitar?

Pierre blanc December 4, 2017

Me gustaria mucho tomar primate lesson y por eso ayudar a cualquier persona del 19 de diciembre al 5 de enero. Pierre

Carlos cervantes October 4, 2017

Hola me llamo carlos tengo 19 y quisiera aprender bachata baile y guitarra. Puedo participar? Cuanto Cuesta?

Mariela Bonet G. September 1, 2017

Soy Espanola y he tenido la oportunidad de ver personalmente a estos chicos varias veces pues paso varias semanas al ano en Cabarete; y hacen un trabajo realmente increible!. Me gustaria colaborar con el Proyecto para hacer posible que vengan a Madrid, tal vez solicitandolo ante la embajada Dominicana en Madrid, o ante otros organismos .. Me encantan! Oigo ideas y mi tiempo esta a vuestra disposicion como publicista de vuestra Escuela de Bachata..

I am Spanish Citizen and I have had the opportunity to personally see these kids several times because i spend sevaral weeks a year in Cabarete, and does a really incredible job.!! I would like to collaborate with the Project to make it possible for them to come to Madrid, perhaps requesting it before the Dominican Embassy in Madrid , or other agencies. I love them!
I hear Ideas, and my time its at your disposal as a publcist of your School of Bachata.

shalon DE AZEVEDO April 7, 2017

hola muy buen proyecto felicidades me gustaria saber si ustedes dan clases a personas adultas?
me gustaria mucho tener unos cursos soy de brasil y aqui o hay alguie que ensene bachata

Jose Roldan December 24, 2016

Buenas tardes, felicito el proyecto que llevan en función de enseñar a los mas pobre la musica de su Pais. Felicitaciónes. Sin embargo hay otros pobre en el mundo que ustedes puedieran ayudar publicando por internet cursos de como tocar la bachata primera y segunda quitara.

dionis gustoso December 2, 2015

hola saludo le habla dionis, yo soy un joven de santo domingo, ami me encanta su proyecto eso es muy bueno, yo soy apacionado con la musica mas con el genero bachata ya que aprendi un poco de requinto en una academia de musica pero por mi situacion economica tube que retirarme de la academia a mi en lo particular me ubiese ser parte de ese proyecto tan hermoso y unico, le dejare mi wahsapp para tener una amistad y nadie sabe mi numero es 829 7518174 soy dioni grasia y palante muchachos

Tino May 12, 2015

So one way of funding the students would be to offer Bachata training holidays for Adults. Some of the fees you charge the adults would go to funding the childrens Academy. For example if you ran a 1 week course with 10 adults that could contribute to the kids.

iASO Records February 24, 2015

Hello Luis, thank you for reaching out. I will be in touch by phone - Benjamin de Menil