iASO's Live Music Recording Technique

Most music produced today is recorded track by track. The process begins with the making of a sequence composed entirely of synthetic sounds and samples. One at a time, musicians then record their parts to the sequence. When the recording is complete, the synthetic sequence is removed, leaving only the recorded tracks. Track by track makes producing recorded music simpler and less expensive than it was in the days of live recording.

Every iASO recording begins with a LIVE take. Our artists are first and foremost live performers - the true energy and spirit of their music can be captured only in LIVE recording. The LIVE recording permits band members to communicate and build off of each other. We also use no time keeping device (click-track), which means that in our recordings, the tempo of a song can vary in different parts of a song - depending on mood - thus permitting musical nuances that do not exist in track by track, metronomed recording.

Reliance on click-tracks and overdubs can result in music which, though error free, is lacking in vital energy. There is a swing to natural human rhythm which is lost in the unswerving regularity of a click-track. There is a spontaneous communication between musicians that can only occur when they play together live. At iASO, we combine modern and old fashioned production techniques to create high fidelity, natural sounding music.


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